Our Projects

Due to decreasing and inconsistent rainfall, depleted soils, bad farming and animal husbandry practices, and inferior seeds, crop and livestock production in rainfall constrained Counties has been dropping steadily over the years. This has resulted in loss of livelihoods and starvation in such areas especially during the severe drought periods.

To mitigate the suffering of these communities, we run the programmes outlined below.

1. Enhanced Crop Production Project

FBF has undertaken to introduce new high yielding crops seed varieties to vulnerable communities. FBF introduced new high yielding millet variety, in Migori County and Homa- Bay County. FBF has also introduced new high yielding seed varieties of sorghum, simsim, and groundnuts–in the same regions. FBF supported the farmers with the seeds and trained them on how to cultivate the crops in addition to other smart agricultural practices. This has resulted in improved yields of these crops in the project areas.

2. Enhanced Animal Production Project

FBF has projects in; improvement of local livestock breeds, introduction of dairy goats, new pasture varieties and value addition. FBF teach farmers how to improve and manage pastures, feed formulation and good animal husbandry. FBF also undertake animal health interventions eg vaccinations and herd health. The impact of this project is sustainable increased livestock products.

3.Emergency Cash Aid Transfer

FBF intervened to mitigate to impact of COVID-19 on the vulnerable communities by offering unconditional cash transfers to selected households in Migori and Homa-Bay Counties. FBF also distributed face masks, sanitizers and foodstuffs.

4.Bursary Program

FBF has launched a school bursary program to help cater for secondary and university education of bright students from needy families. FBF intend to identify partners to help us initiate this program.